The Farmington River Coordinating Committee is integral to the implementation of the Upper Farmington River Management Plan. The Committee is comprised of appointed representatives from the five riverfront towns - Colebrook, Hartland, Barkhamsted, New Hartford, and Canton - Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA), Metropolitan District Commission (MDC), National Park Service (NPS), Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), Farmington River Anglers Association (FRAA) and Farmington Valley Trout Unlimited (FVTU). Monthly meetings are typically held at the Committee's office at Squire's Tavern; just inside Peoples State Forest in Pleasant Valley. See our calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
See our Organizational By-laws and a chart that illustrates our structure.
2025 FRCC Representatives
FRCC's mission is to promote long-term protection of the Upper Farmington River by: